About the book…

Are you making a difference?

We all want to know if our work is making a significant contribution to the organizations and communities we serve.

Many professionals say that measurement is too difficult, complex, and time intensive. In this book you’ll discover that measurement can be easy when using small simple strategies that scale and evolve as your confidence and measurement practice grows.

If you’re looking for a book that will nurture your confidence and capabilities in measurement and inspire you to think differently - Measurement and Evaluation on a Shoestring is for you!

Data, measurement, and evaluation are the core tools enabling us to monitor and improve the outcomes of our work.
— Dr. Alaina Szlachta

What readers are saying!


“Alaina offers a generous smorgasbord of concepts, principles, methods, tips, and tools that L&D practitioners can use fruitfully to plan, practice, and most importantly, leverage the impact of measurement and evaluation to increase training effectiveness and value.”


“Navigating the complexities of measurement and evaluation for years, I find Measurement and Evaluation on a Shoestring to be a breath of fresh air. The ‘impact hypothesis’ framework elegantly simplifies the process, offering a practical lens to assess training effectiveness. It’s a must-read for any L&D professional seeking to bridge the gap between program design and demonstrable results, especially when resources are limited.”


“As L&D professionals, our work matters. But how do we prove it? Within these pages, Alaina provides a refreshing and highly practical guide for getting L&D programs the attention they deserve.”


“What I appreciate most about Measurement and Evaluation on a Shoestring is its focus on working smarter (not harder) by being strategic, deliberate, and thoughtful. The guidance Alaina gives for how to measure results is actionable and achievable.


“Alaina’s M&E tools and resources create Cirque du Soleil–like aligned solutions that are easy to build, simple to apply, and increase training program success. This book is a must-read that cracks the code on why and how data enablement systems improve business outcomes.”